9/12/2019 ·
It's been a while since I updated. That revamped site hasn't really come to fruition yet. I've decided to dabble in some video game streaming which you can find on the homepage so hope you check out some of my latest videos and subscribe if you enjoy them :)
Our Sites
· Manga Lyght
Friend Sites
· Chris Koehler
· Hitokiris Anonymous
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Our Active Reviewers
Spectrum Nexus not only focuses on providing viewers with manga scans, we also focus on providing you with anime and manga reviews. Writing reviews sounds easy since everyone who watches anime has an opinion on it, but to have a really good review is actually pretty hard. We strive to have the very best reviews on this site because anything less than the best is pointless. Here is information about the writers for this site.
James Lin
James Lin is the owner of this website. You can view more about him and Spectrum Nexus on the about section.
Frank B. Chavez III
Frank's outstanding writing ability and love for anime has lead to him being the most active reviewer on Spectrum Nexus. His reviews are very professional and more in-depth than any other anime reviews on the Internet.
James Moynahan
James Moynahan is the newest writer to join Spectrum Nexus. He's been assigned the daunting task of getting some fresh new thoughts in on the manga review section.
Enishi and James Lin have failed many times on attempts to work together. Failed sections for Hikaru no Go and Hajime no Ippo have led to Enishi being this website's unpaid lawyer.
Karthon and James Lin worked on the manga series Hajime no Ippo together when they were with the group Snoopy Cool.
Karthon has been of great help to Spectrum Nexus by providing this site with many manga reviews. His connection with this site will no doubt continue as Spectrum Nexus loves showcasing his reviews for our viewers.
personal manga site is a manga reviewer blog that has even more manga reviews including some from guest authors.
Raye's connection with Spectrum Nexus began when his site, Hitokiris Anonymous, was hosted by thespectrum.net. From there Raye has created numerous reviews and has given James tons of feedback on what series to watch and what to avoid. His work at Spectrum Nexus also included writing editorial/articles on the retired section "Anime Talk".