"Among thousands of comrades and ten thousand enemies, only you... only you made me forget my dream."
- Griffith

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Simply put, Berserk is a very confusing series! The anime series is very short and leaves out many details that is in the manga. There is also the cliffhanger ending in the anime series which drives people nuts. However, once you understand everything that is going on in the series, you will understand why Berserk is one of the best series out there.

Before you've seen the series

Review of Berserk
If your new to the series, check this section out! I will give even more background of Berserk, that was not listed on the brief introduction. In this review it has my highly regarded opinions towards Berserk, and everything you should need to know before watching the series. Definitely check this page out if you haven't seen the series yet.

General Answers, FAQ
A simple FAQ without spoilers. Gives answers to just about all questions you might have before watching the series. Also gives other information for those who have finished seeing the series. Spoiler free.

After you've seen Berserk TV Series

Ending Answers Part 1
When your done with the Berserk TV Series and are filled with questions, come here for the answers! Here you will also find differences between the series and the manga which is essential to know if your a fan of Berserk!

Ending Answers Part 2
Here you will find the aftermath of where the Berserk anime series ended. After you have read Part 1, come here for more information.

Kentarou Miura Biography
If the interview with the creator of Berserk wasn't enough, then here is more information! I have searched very long for info on Mr. Miura and this is the best I have found! For everyone else still searching, look no further. It includes all of the works he has accomplished.

Kentarou Miura Interview
If your looking for information on the creator of Berserk, look no further. It doesn't contain as much information on Miura as I would have hoped to have found, but it does include the long interview with him that is a great read for any Berserk fan!

Toshio Nakatani Interview
Here you will find an interview with the producer of Berserk's anime series. This interview was taken from the US release of Berserk. The producer, Toshio Nakatani, discusses the difficulties of adapting the extremely violent Berserk manga into an anime TV series.

Famous Quotes
This is one of my favorite sections as it includes some powerful quotes from famous people. If you enjoy the Berserk quotes that are on the top of each page in red, be sure to check this out! I have also included user-submitted song lyrics that fit the world of Berserk.

Anime/Manga Quotes
Interested in the quotes atop each page? Then be sure to visit this page. It includes all of the Berserk quotes that I put up there. Berserk is a really powerful series, so it just makes sense that it has some meaningful quotes.
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