9/12/2019 ·
It's been a while since I updated. That revamped site hasn't really come to fruition yet. I've decided to dabble in some video game streaming which you can find on the homepage so hope you check out some of my latest videos and subscribe if you enjoy them :)
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Site Features
Spectrum Nexus has a lot to offer in the anime review, manga review, and manga scans sections, but are those enough? Of course not! There are lots of plans to expand this site to be much greater than it is right now. The old saying, "content is king," has never been more true today where web sites rule the Earth. We at Spectrum Nexus believe the same; we want to provide you with the best high quality content to keep you coming back for more.
View Monthly GiveawayMonthly Anime & Manga Giveaway
Want to win great prizes by doing very little? At Spectrum Nexus we like to thank our viewers by holding a monthly giveaway for great anime and manga prizes. We believe real anime fans own their anime/manga and they don't simply view it online. Whether you're a seasoned anime fanatic or you need to kick start your collection, our monthly giveaway should have something for everyone! Click to view the Monthly Giveaway.
View Image GalleryHigh Quality Anime Images
Take a glance at the Internet and try to find quality images. I dare you. It's almost impossible! Google Images you say? Good luck with that. Half of your results will be broken links and the other half will be images you can only see when your nose is touching your monitor. Even if you changed your advanced search settings to high, what do you get? A single page of images that have no connection with what you were looking for. It's sad really how hard it is to get anime images nowadays. For some reason the amount of quality fan pages with good images has gone down significantly over the years. Thankfully you've found this site. Click to view the image gallery.
View Anime NewsAnime News
Anime is a rapidly growing industry with big news being announced every single day. We've partnered up with the largest anime news provider,
Anime News Network, to bring you the latest anime news. They are the best and most accurate anime news source available, and they update numerous times a day.
This anime news section covers everything from the latest conventions to the most recent news coming straight from Japan. If you've ever wondered
when a series in Japan will be making its way to America, this section is for you.
Click to view anime news.
View Anime VideoAnime Video · Watch Free Anime!
For years I have wanted to distribute anime in all shapes and forms. The easiest form to deliver is text and I did that through
reviews. Next would be images, and I did that through galleries and manga scans. The hardest, by far, were videos/movies. The sheer amount of
resources it takes to distribute movies is mind boggling.
Fortunately I am now in a position to offer anime videos; I won't be the next YouTube but I will try my best to showcase
weekly anime videos so don't miss it! Every anime video I showcase was hand chosen by me, so rest assure you'll only be getting the cream of the anime crop! Click to view the videos.
View MangajinMangajin · Learn Japanese with Manga
Have you ever wanted to learn Japanese but didn't want to take a class? You can try learning it through boring text books or you can check out Mangajin! Mangajin was created in the early 90's to help teach Japanese to fans of manga. Inside a typical volume you will find Japanese manga pages and after it will contain the English translations. Unlike typical translation textbooks, Mangajin is very entertaining and you will be learning Japanese straight from the source of popular manga. There are even areas of well known American comics, like Calvin and Hobbes, that are translated from English to Japanese. Click to learn more about Mangajin.
View Berserk SectionBerserk Section Archive
Years ago I created subsections to my main site, Spectrum Nexus. The most popular subsection was my Berserk section. Inside, had a firey layout and some interesting information pertaining to the world of Berserk.
Without a doubt Berserk is my favorite anime/manga series. Being such a big fan of it, I naturally
created this section as a tribute to Berserk. It has lots of information for those who have not yet seen it as well as for those who have.
View Ecchi GalleryEcchi Image Gallery
Let's face it, anime has some really amazing artwork. So amazing that it let's our minds wander to places where it probably shouldn't. The images that show sexy anime women are known as ecchi. Some people may confuse this with hentai, which is completely different than ecchi. Ecchi is harmless eye candy and can be compared to Sport Illustrated's Swimsuit Edition while hentai can be compared to hardcore BDSM. Illustrations of females have piqued the imaginations of millions, so don't be afraid to check ecchi out! In these galleries you will find thousands of images of sexy anime girls. Click to view the ecchi image gallery.
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