Character Profiles

"Sayo Muto"

Age: not known
Notable Characteristic: her Ultra conservative attire
Fighting Technique: "doesn't like fighting"
Seiyuu: Hiroko Kasahara

First Appearance: Episode 68

People close to her heart: Amakusa Shougo her brother
Personality: Mild mannered woman yet sickly.

Mini Biography:

Her parents were massacred during the persecution of Christians. She and her brother Shougo fled to China with the help of their Uncle. Many years later she and her brother returned to Shimabara to save their fellow christians from the persecution. She preached the gospel with Shouzo who serves as her bodyguard. It is noticed that Shouzo seems affectionate toward her but she never knew it.

However she took interest on Sanosuke later in the series. It is expected that she would not live long enough since she was inflicted with tuberculosis. However she died protecting the Consul.